Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally Friday

Well I'll  tell ya i'd be lying if i didn't say that I'm glad this week has come to an end.  Not that i have any major plans just ready for the weekend.  I have done great with staying within my calorie count.  I have noticed that i haven't quite been meeting my total exercise goal.  I have been walking 30 minutes a day every day, but that makes me fall a little short, so I'm gonna have to increase my routine.  Tonight   was a weak night for me i was really craving some of my favorite things like fried chicken i looked them up in the data base and about died when i saw the nutritional information so i was strong and didn't have it.  I did almost say the heck with it and eat it.  Yes today was a  hard day people all around me were eating things i wanted to eat, things that would taste so good but be ohhhh so bad.  So there were many tests put out their today and i feel pretty good about passing them, another day down and a new one ahead.  Thanks for reading and I'll see you on the lighter side.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Okay so i am a slacker.  Its been a few days since i posted and I'm ashamed, but i figured after the rant i went on i needed to take a step back and take a look.  Yes i was very disappointed but it  time to use that disappointment to my advantage.  I am happy to report that i did  jump that hurdle and have not thrown in the towel.  I am moving on.  This is gonna take time i realize that.  I am doing  some things to help move me in the right direction.  I'm increasing my water intake.  I'm purchasing some kettle weight so i can add resistance training to my exercise program, and increasing my walking to an hour daily.  There is one thing that I am having a problem with and that is the feeling of being hungry between meals.  I am eating my meals and a snack between and i still get hungry.  Hoping the increased water will help with that but who knows.   Overall i do feel better,  I am sleeping better and waking up more refreshed which is  nice.  I go see the doctor on the 21 I'm not very excited about this.  My blood sugars haven't been what they should be or where id like them to be  yet.  This may be due to the change in medications don't really know.  This will definitely be discussed.  I'm also considering asking him to refer  me back to Dr. H.  to handle my diabetes.  I did really great when i was with her the last time and I think this is the direction i need to go.  Well weigh in is a few days away so hopefully i will have something good to report.  Thanks for reading and I'll see you on the lighter side.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


OK I was feeling pretty good  about this week. I worked really hard at watching what i ate, getting started with the exercise etc.  Well today was weight in day and I was fully expecting to be at least 1 pound lighter.  Yea right i was 2 pounds heavier and here comes the black cloud.   I know first week, weight fluctuates etc etc etc I have heard all those plausible reasons but it still doesn't make the disappointment go away.  Personal hurdle #1.  No or negative results.  This is one i really have trouble with.  I am a result oriented person and when i don't get results even small ones i tend to get discouraged and give up.  I mean really i would have been satisfied with an ounce or two.  I start asking myself OK why am i doing this and for what reason, if  I'm gonna work this hard where are the benefits.  I know its early in the game and I know this is gonna be one of the hardest if no the hardest thing I've ever done, but come on could ya give me one measly pound especially this first week.  Ya know to kinda fuel the fire and desire to do more and better.  As i approach this hurdle today i ask myself are ya gonna jump it or are ya gonna trip and fall on it. Who knows all i know is right now i would love to jump in a huge stack of eggs and bacon and the works to make me feel better.  Have ya ever wondered if what you were  going through was a big dream and any moment u would wake up and you were actually thin and in shape and gorgeous well I'm ready to wake up I'm tired of this nightmare.  And no I'm not gonna quit, I'm not gonna give up just a little discouraged.  This is my " This is it"moment and I'm not gonna let go.  Keep oh Keeping on etc etc etc.  Thanks for listening

Saturday, January 8, 2011

YAY!!!!!!! I did it

Okay yesterday was a good day.  I met my goals.  I stayed with in the limits of my calories, carbs and fats.  I have joined the myfitnesspal program and it has made keeping track of all that stuff so much easier it is awesome.  Thanks P for that information.  One thing i have noticed is that between meals i feel like I'm starving which is gonna make things tough.  Not quite sure what to do about that, maybe more water or more fiber to fill me up  longer  looking for suggestions on that.  I felt really good about making my goals. One of the things i plan to address in future blogs are hurdles or road blocks to my weight loss.  Lord knows i have plenty of them.   Well I'm heading out the door for my daily exercise, gonna go and do some Mall walking  LOL.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friends to the Rescue

Thank you!!!!!! some readers have come through with some great information and assistance.  Offering information and assistance with helpful hints on how to cook healthy and on a budget that were awesome, where to go to get information to help with healthy eating, information on tool and free websites to provide assistance, motivation stories and an accountability buddy.  I was truly moved.  It means so  much to me that there are people out there reading and willing to help me out.  Thanks a thousand time thanks.  I plan to use all the offered assistance.  I did a little better today I was still over my goals on calories, fats and carbs but was a lot closer.  Just getting into the groove.  I may have to increase my calorie intake a little, because i feel hungry at times and may not be getting enough.  I will ask  my doctor for his suggestions.  I am investigating a workout program that would be easy to do and can be done without the use of a  gym.  My membership runs out in February and if  my company doesn't get a corporate membership i will be on my own.  I bought a pedometer to begin my walking program.  The plan for that is to walk on each of my 15  minute breaks at work and at lunch.  During the winter months i will become one of those Mall Walkers.  LOL  Thanks so much for all your support and kindness and keep reading

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Okay I'm already slacking off.  Getting into the habit of doing something new is always difficult for me.  I will say that i am doing good with keeping the food diary just trying to find the right tool that works for me has been a little tricky.  I have always hated counting calories it can become such a bother.  I just need to get into the groove.  I'm fighting not stepping on the scale.  I told myself that i would only do it once a week so i don't get discouraged.   That happens to me so often and then i give up.  I really don't want to do that this time.  I need to start focusing on my exercise.  My membership to the Y is about to run out and financially i wont be able to renew so i will have to come up with other ways to get that done.  I have a treadmill and elliptical at home but no real place to put them  have to really put some thought into that one.  I may have to become a mall walker until the weather gets warmer.  Any suggestions would be great.  I hear and see all these stories about people who do this and are successful and i so want to be one of those people.  When my sweetie says i'm sexy i want to feel that and right now I don't.  I wold also appreciate any suggestions on how to cook healthy meals on a budget I am having some difficulty with that.  I  didn't do well with my goals today was over on everything calories, fats and carbs gonna really have to watch that.  OH well tomorrow is another day.  One day at a time!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

In the Beginning

Okay today was kinda lazy day settling in to the new regime and I must say it was  not bad.  I weighed this morning and i came in at a whopping 267.4 pounds. So this means i need to lose 72.4 pounds.  Doesn't really sound like a massive amount to someone losing it that may as well be a million pounds.  Gonna make a change already going from 2000 calories to 1800.  Found some info from the nutritionist and that is what she put me on.  So if it aint broke don't fix it.  Not much in the way of exercise today.  My goal here is to start slow and work my way into it.  30 minutes a day of scheduled and gonna work the "Steps a day program" also.  I will gradually work my way up to a exercise program designed my a trainer.  As far as the food thing goes this is the hard thing cause i LOVE food the sweeter the better.  Gonna swear off fast food and the reduce the food portions.  My goals will start out small so as not to discourage and gradually build.  My goal for this week is to not have fast food all week, for exercise i will walk 30 minutes a day all week and i will lose 2 pounds this week.  My measurements are as follows

    1. Chest  51.5
    2. Thigh  24.5
    3. Calf    15
    4. Waist  51.5
    5. Chest  51.5
    6. Hips    46
    7. Arm    16
    8. Neck   18
I will record measurements once a  month, weight will be recorded weekly.  I consumed 928 calories today but i didn't eat lunch so i have to get that up to 1800, consumed 60.5 grams of fat which was a little higher than my goal of 50 grams and I consumed 117 grams of carbohydrates which is below my daily goal  of 225.  Need to work on a little more balance.  Okay do that was day one I will start recording the foods i eat daily to help make me accountable

This is It

This is it!!!!!  I cant count the number of times i  have said that.  I would mean it each time and as time went on it I would forget all about it and i would be back to where i started from.  The famous "YO YO".  I did that so many times with the smoking thing and yes i finally kicked that habit 6 years ago yesterday.  It was so easy it was just the right time.  I said that "This is It" and finally it was.  I am feeling the same way this time with my weight.  "This is It".  I am tired of looking in the mirror in the morning when i get ready and seeing this overweight thing looking back at me.  I know I will never be thin and i don't want to be I just want to be my normal weight and not for the looks of it but for my health.  I take medication for hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol.  Im tired of depending on those meds and the conditions associated with them.  I may never be off the meds totally but my  plan is to control them and not take as many as i do.  This is my weight loss "This is it moment"  This is not going to be easy I know as in times before i'm going to wanna quit, when results aren't what they should be when i get discouraged it happens all the time.  This is where you all come in.   I cant afford to join Weight Watchers or any other group like that.  You will be my support group the ones i report to, who i will be accountable to.  This is the plan on  my daily posts i will post feelings, emotions etc.  My daily caloric  intake will be 2000, i will report daily calories, exercise, what i eat etc.  I will report my weight once a week and my measurements once a month.  You will be my silent team mates helping and encouraging  me on this journey.  My goal is to get to 195 pounds.  My ideal weight according to my doctor.  Together we can make this  "This is it" moment a reality.