Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Okay I'm already slacking off.  Getting into the habit of doing something new is always difficult for me.  I will say that i am doing good with keeping the food diary just trying to find the right tool that works for me has been a little tricky.  I have always hated counting calories it can become such a bother.  I just need to get into the groove.  I'm fighting not stepping on the scale.  I told myself that i would only do it once a week so i don't get discouraged.   That happens to me so often and then i give up.  I really don't want to do that this time.  I need to start focusing on my exercise.  My membership to the Y is about to run out and financially i wont be able to renew so i will have to come up with other ways to get that done.  I have a treadmill and elliptical at home but no real place to put them  have to really put some thought into that one.  I may have to become a mall walker until the weather gets warmer.  Any suggestions would be great.  I hear and see all these stories about people who do this and are successful and i so want to be one of those people.  When my sweetie says i'm sexy i want to feel that and right now I don't.  I wold also appreciate any suggestions on how to cook healthy meals on a budget I am having some difficulty with that.  I  didn't do well with my goals today was over on everything calories, fats and carbs gonna really have to watch that.  OH well tomorrow is another day.  One day at a time!!!!!!!!


  1. you can do it! i have faith in you :)

  2. Russ we need to chat on the Phone. I can give you all kinds of tips and even be your accountable buddy if you need me. Please don't hesitate! - emily

  3. Just have faith daddy! You could try googling healthy recipes on a budget. Just keep trying and you wont only fail if you quit. Long lasting weight loss take time, its not instant. PATIENCE!
